Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Love Thy Neighbors


I have memories of helping my dad shovel snow while waiting for my friends to come over during a snow day from school.  Dad would be relaxed, smoking his pipe and making a special pile for us to turn into a fort or hill to sled down.  Many times a neighbor would see what Dad was doing and come over to help.  There was a time when neighbors used to help each other, share their days together, watch each other’s children play, or engage in small talk while borrowing a cup of sugar.  It was a time of community, a common bond that easily gets lost in today’s busy lifestyles.

Christians are a friendly lot.  They enjoy making new friends and chatting over a cup of tea or coffee.  Look for God’s purpose among the people around you.  Say “hello” to your neighbors and engage in short conversation.  Consider that God placed you in a particular place to be neighbors to those particular people.  Extend a hand of friendship to your neighbors and see what God may have in store for you.  And… don’t forget, not only the children can bring a friend to church but so can the adults!

During this season of snow and cold weather, invite your neighbors over for coffee and pie.  Wrap up some cookies and deliver them.  Extend your hand of friendship.

“Friendship is the only cement that will ever hold the world together.” – Woodrow Wilson

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